Do Powerwashing Companies Use Your Water?

When it comes to enhancing the cleanliness and curb appeal of your property, power washing emerges as a clear solution. But a common question often arises among homeowners considering this service: Do powerwashing companies use your water? In this blog, we’ll delve into the operational aspects of power washing services, specifically focusing on the water source. Understanding where the water comes from is not only crucial for planning and logistics but also important for those mindful of their environmental footprint and utility usage. Join us as we explore the various methods employed by powerwashing companies like JD Powerwashing, and how these practices impact you, the homeowner.

Do Power Washing Companies Use Your Water or Their Own?

When considering a power washing service, a common question arises: Do power washing companies use your water, or do they bring their own? Typically, most power washing companies prefer to connect to your on-site water spigot or well. This approach is straightforward and cost-effective, eliminating the need for the company to transport water to your location, which can simplify the process and reduce expenses.

However, there are scenarios where a power washing company might bring its own water, especially if the job site lacks a reliable water source or if there are specific water use regulations in place. This is usually achieved through portable water tanks. While this method ensures the company is self-sufficient, it may involve additional fees to cover the costs of the tank and transportation.

It’s important to note that practices can vary between companies. As a customer, it’s wise to inquire about the water source and any potential costs associated with it when you’re selecting a power washing service. A reputable company like JD Powerwashing will be transparent about their process and help you understand the most cost-effective and efficient options for your specific needs. This way, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and ensures a satisfactory power washing experience.

Why Does the Power Washing Company Use My Water?

When you hire a power washing company, you might wonder why they often use your water supply instead of bringing their own. There are several practical and safety reasons for this common practice:

Safety Concerns with Transporting Water: 

Transporting large quantities of water is not only hazardous but also impractical. A tank carrying 200 gallons of water adds over 1,600 pounds to a vehicle’s load. This extra weight makes driving more precarious and increases the risk of accidents. For safety reasons, it’s preferable to use water available on-site.

Efficiency and Cost: 

Hauling large amounts of water is inefficient. Water is dense and heavy, with each gallon weighing approximately 8.3 pounds. Transporting it requires significant fuel and puts extra wear and tear on vehicles and trailers. These additional operational costs would ultimately be passed on to the customer, making the service more expensive. Using the client’s water supply is a more cost-effective and efficient approach.

Typical Water Usage is Moderate: 

Despite what many might think, power washing doesn’t usually require an excessive amount of water. Techniques like soft washing are quite efficient, using less water than traditional pressure washing while still achieving excellent results. In most cases, the amount of water used won’t significantly impact your water bill.

While most power washing companies prefer to use the client’s water supply for the reasons mentioned, they are usually prepared to accommodate different needs. However, it’s important to note that requesting a company to bring their own water might involve additional costs and limited options. At JD Powerwashing, we aim to be transparent about our processes and are always ready to discuss any concerns or special requests you might have regarding water usage or any other aspect of our service.


How Much Water do Power Washing Companies Use?

When considering the services of power washing companies, a pertinent question often relates to water usage: How much water do they actually use? Despite common misconceptions, power washing is a relatively efficient process that emphasizes pressure rather than the volume of water. On average, pressure washers consume about eight gallons of water per minute. While this might sound significant, it’s actually quite economical compared to other cleaning methods that rely more heavily on water volume.

The efficiency of power washing lies in the high-pressure technique, which allows for quick and effective cleaning with less water overall. The combination of high pressure and specialized detergents means that surfaces can be cleaned thoroughly and rapidly. When you engage a professional service like JD Powerwashing, you’re not just hiring a team with the right equipment; you’re also gaining the expertise of trained professionals who understand how to optimize the cleaning process to minimize water waste while ensuring your home or business is impeccably cleaned.

 Why Does the Power Washing Company Use My Water? 

There are several reasons why the power washing company you hire may require access to your water supply:

  • It is dangerous and unsafe to haul that much water. Tanks full of any liquid make driving precarious and increase the chances of accidents. Transporting 200 gallons of water equates to more than 1,600 pounds added to the vehicle, requiring extra driving precautions.
  • It is not efficient to haul that much water. If a power washing company were to bring all of their own water, they would have to charge more for fuel costs and for labor. The main reason is that water is extremely dense and heavy — 1 gallon of water equals about 8.3 pounds. Transporting just 200 gallons of water means that a vehicle or trailer would be transporting over 1600 pounds of water. All of this extra weight burns a lot of fuel and greatly increases the wear and tear on vehicles and trailers. Those increased costs will be reflected in the final bill to the customer.
  • Most jobs don’t really require that much water. We use a soft washing technique for most of our external cleaning projects, and it is much more efficient than standard pressure washing. If a professional external cleaning company requires access to your water supply, odds are they won’t even be using too much of it.

Because of the reasons above, most power washing companies will require access to your water supply, even if they bring their own water. If you are intent on having a company not use your water, you may find yourself making many calls and having to pay a premium.

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